Different Types of Sober Living Options

Sometimes referred to as halfway houses, sober living facilities offer a gentle push back into normal life after completing inpatient rehab. Someone might be struggling with getting back into their day-to-day routine since inpatient rehab is a different kind of living. Residential sober living is a great way to continue recovery but still live within the structured environment or a rehab facility.

Types of Sober Living Facilities

  • 12-Step Sober Living: This type of residence is what most people commonly think of when discussing sober living. Here, all recovering addicts get the chance to live in a democratic environment. There is a head of household, but it is usually just one of the residents also going through recovery. The people living in 12-step sober living homes are required to attend meetings and they each tend to hold each other accountable for their actions, thus encouraging all of them to continue recovery.

  • Sober Living Apartments: These apartments offer residents a great deal more privacy than most other sober living options. Just like any other rental, residents may have to share with roommates, but they are often still given the freedom of their own room and space. They must still give periodic urine tests in order to continue living there, and sometimes searches of their apartment are required to ensure no illicit substances are there, but generally this type of housing is the closest a recovering addict can get back to their old life.

  • Sober Dorms: A lot of the time, addiction affects a large population of teenagers and young adults. For those who struggle with addiction and need help to combat it in order to finish school, they are encouraged to live in sober living dorms. This is a great option for young adults especially because so many young people tend to drink in high school and throughout college, so this housing offers residents the opportunity to continue on their education path while still effectively going through recovery.

What To Expect From Sober Living Homes

Coming straight from inpatient treatment where patients are not given much dependence, moving into this transitional residency can be quite exciting for most people. They’re confronted with so many more opportunities for freedom, but that’s not to say these homes are just free-for-alls. To maintain a sober life and stay on the road to recovery, here are some things to consider that will make the process easier:

  • Make friendships with other residents.

  • Create a support group with other recovering patients.

  • Make things right with family and friends affected by one’s substance abuse.

  • Find a job if the program allows.

  • Keep yourself as busy as possible.

  • Find more and more independence to make eventual re-entry into regular life easier.